Participants of the BBSI @ Pitt 2006
(click here for the 2006 Educational schedule)

The academic backgrounds of the 13 students admitted to the 2006 program are:


Click here for students' research and their comments on the program.
To see photographs taken by the students during the program, click here.

The 2006 BBSI class

(L to R, back) Christopher Hackmeyer, Amanda McCoy, Nicole Kennerly, Abderrahmane Benghanem, Chi Zheng, Marie Wilkening, Ryan Cheng
(L to R, front) Zofia Koscielniak, Megan Jeans, Stephanie Lucas, Jieming (Jenny) Shen, Ji Lee, Angelo Kontgas


Abderrahmane Benghanem (e-mail)

Junior, Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY

Mentor: Dr. Maria Kurnikova, Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University
Project: Molecular Dynamics simulation of HIV
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation 

Journal Club:
The essential dynamics of Thermolysin: conformation of hinge-bending motion and comparison of simulations in vacuum and water
Van Aalten et al., Proteins: Struct. Funct. Genet., 22: 45-54 (1995)

paper | presentation

Click here for Abder's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Ryan Cheng (e-mail)

Senior, Chemistry,
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Dr. Kenneth Jordan, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh
Project: Lattice-models for protein folding through Monte Carlo simulation
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation 

Journal Club:

Optimization by simulated annealing
Kirkpatrick et al., Nature, 220: 671-680 (1983)
paper | presentation

here for Ryan's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Christopher Hackmeyer (e-mail) (speaker at the Annual Duquesne Research Symposium)

Junior, Biochemistry, Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL

Dr. Billy Day, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
Project:: Docking studies of the binding mode of dictyostatin and its analogues to the taxoid binding site on a-tubulin
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation 

Journal Club:
The T-Taxol conformation
Alcaraz et al., J. Med. Chem., 49: 2478-2488 (2006)

paper | presentation

Click here for Christopher's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Megan Jeans (e-mail) (speaker at the Annual Duquesne Research Symposium)

Senior, Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, TX

Dr. G. Bard Ermentrout, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh
Project: Coupling hair follicle cycles to produce oscillating patterns
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation 

Journal Club:
Beyond a pacemaker's entrainment limit: phase walk-through
Ermentrout & Riznel, Am. J. Physiol., 246: 102-106 (1984)
paper | presentation

Click here for Megan's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Nicole Kennerly (e-mail)
(speaker at the Annual Duquesne Research Symposium)

First-year graduate school, Biochemistry & Cell Biology, graduated from Rice University, Houston, TX

Dr. Shlomo Ta'asan, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University
Project: Using stochastic differential equations to model the ups and downs of patients with bipolar disorder for clinical purposes

Research Proposal
  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation

Journal Club:
Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia
Ferguson et al., Nature, 437: 209-214 (2005)

paper | presentation

Click here for Nicole's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Angelo Kontgas (e-mail)

Senior, Biochemistry, Utah State University, Logan UT

Mentor: Dr. Bino John, Department of Computational Biology, University of Pittsburgh
Project: Genomic evolution of cancer associated viruses and bacteria

Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation 

Journal Club:
Identification of microRNAs of the herpesvirus family
Pfeffer et al., Nature Methods, 2: 269-276 (2005)

paper | presentation

Click here for Angelo's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Zofia Koscielniak (e-mail)

Junior, Mathematical Sciences,
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Mentor: Dr. G. Bard Ermentrout, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh
Project: A population firing rate model of reverberatory activity in neuronal networks
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation   

Journal Club:
Spiral waves in disinhibited mammalian neocortex
Huang et al., J. Neurosci., 24:
9897-9902 (2004)
| presentation

Click here for Zoe's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Ji Lee (e-mail)

Junior, Bioengineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

Dr. Bino John, Department of Computational Biology, University of Pittsburgh
Project: Implementation of K-Factor algorithm and its application to the identification of miRNA regulatory elements

Research Proposal |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation  

Journal Club:
Using hexamers to predict cis-regulatory motifs in Drosophila,
Chan & Kibler, BMC Bioinformatics, 6: 262-270 (2005)

paper | presentation

Click here for Ji's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006

Stephanie Lucas (e-mail)

Junior, Biology, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

Mentor: Dr. Takis Benos, Department of Computational Biology, University of Pittsburgh
Project: Sequence analysis of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 genome
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation  

Journal Club:
Evolutionary analysis of the well characterized endo16 promoter reveals substantial variation within functional sites
Balhoff & Wray, PNAS, 102: 8591-8596 (2005)
paper | presentation

Click here for Stephanie's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Amanda McCoy (e-mail)

nior, Chemistry & Physcis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Mentor: Dr. Daniel Zuckerman,
Department of Computational Biology, University of Pittsburgh
Project: Weighted-ensemble Brownian dynamics simulation
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation  

Journal Club:
Weighted-ensemble Brownian dynamics simulations for protein associated reactions
Huber & Kim, Biophysical J., 70: 97-110 (1996)

paper | presentation

Click here for Amanda's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Jieming (Jenny) Shen (e-mail)

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brusnwick, NJ

Mentor: Dr. Hugh Nicholas, Biomedical Initiative, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Project: A bioinformatics approach to the analysis of the glycogen phosphorylase protein family
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation  

Journal Club:
M-Coffee: combining multiple sequence alignment methods with T-Coffee
Wallace et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 34: 1692–1699 (2006)
paper | presentation

Click here for Jenny''s comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Marie Wilkening (e-mail)

Senior, Bioinformatics, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI

Mentor: Dr. Joel Stiles, Biomedical Applications Group, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Project: First pass Monte Carlo simulation of basic eukaryotic cell cycle regulation mechanism
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation   

Journal Club:
Regulation of the eukaryotic cell cycle: molecular antagonism, hysteresis, and irreversible transitions
Tyson & Novak, J. Theor. Biol., 210: 249-263 (2001)

paper | presentation

Click here for Marie's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


Chi Zheng (e-mail)

First-year medical school, Chemical Engineering, graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Mentor: Dr. Michael Sacks, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh
Image analysis and cytometry in three-dimensional digital reconstruction of porcine native aortic valve leaflets
Research Proposal  |  Research Abstract  |  Research Presentation  |  Poster Presentation 

Journal Club:
Defining biomechanical endpoints for tissue engineered heart valve leaflets from native leaflet properties
Merryman et al., Prog. Pediatr. Cardiol., 21: 153–160 (2006)

paper | presentation

Click here for Chi's comments on the BBSI @ Pitt 2006


     Program Photographs (taken by students during the program)

    Program participants wearing their BBSI t-shirts (click to see the design on front and back of the t-shirts)
(L to R, front row): Chris, Ji, Abderrahmane, Nicole, Marie, Zofia, Jenny
(L to R, back row):
Chi, Amanda, Stephanie, Ryan, Megan
Missing: Angelo


(L to R, back) Chi, Stephanie, Abderrahmane, Amanda, Nicole, (L to R, front) Jenny, and Ryan at the last baseball game—Pirates v. Giants


Angelo (left) and Ryan saying their goodbyes


Stephanie (right), taking her anger out on Jenny (because her Giants were losing)


Marie went back in time for a bit. You must admit, though, she doesn't look bad with big hair!


Ryan (left), in awe of the beauty of Point State Park during the Three Rivers Regatta. Chris is clearly amused.


Megan—a kid at heart—enjoying the carousel during lunch


(L to R) Chi, Stephanie, and Chris, at the Met, during the group's memorable trip to NY


Zofia (left) and Abderrahmane, hanging out on the streets of NY


"Yes," says Abderrahmane, "yoga on Mt. Washington is so much better than at the dorms!"