Department of Physics and Astronomy

  PHYS 2274, Computational Physics

The course will illustrate how computation is used in some areas of physics and related disciplines, including statistical physics, quantum physics and chemistry, biophysics and nonlinear dynamics. The mathematical techniques surveyed will include ordinary differential equations, solution of linear systems of equations, the Monte Carlo method, the Fast-Fourier Transform, and finite-difference solution of partial differential equations. Applications to topics in classical mechanics (molecular dynamics, classical chaos), quantum mechanics (molecular electronic structure, time-dependent wavepacket propagation, path integrals for quantum statistical mechanics), statistical physics (Ising models) and biophysics (ion transport through protein channels, protein folding) will be presented. as neural network theory will be considered. Some introduction to supercomputer architectures and parallel computing will be provided.


University of Pittsburgh ---------- School of Medicine
Suite 3064 BST3, 3501 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.     Phone : (412) 648-3333,  Fax: (412) 648-3163

Tel : (412) 648-6671,  Fax: (412) 648-6676