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Faeder Lab

Current Lab Personnel (Summer 2012)

Jim Faeder

Leonard Harris
Jintao Liu
Natasa Miskov-Zivanov

Graduate Students
Justin Hogg (CPCB)
John Sekar (CPCB)
Bobby Sheehan (CPCB)
Jose Tapia (CPCB)
Yang Yang (Physics)

Undergraduate Students
Aditi Hota (Applied Math, Harvard)
Ousman Mbaye (Computer Engineering, UMass-Amherst)
Tyler McLaughlin (Biology and Math, Pitt)
Daniel Packer (Computer Science, CUNY-Hunter)
Lori Stover (Physics, Pitt '12)


Arshi Arora (MSKCC)
Davis Buenger (?)
Ilya Korsunksy (NYU)
Mate Nagy (Yale)
Niketh Nair (ORNL)
Robert Seay (Clemson)
Nilgun Yilmaz (VUAmsterdam)


