Kinetically hot residues  Critically important for the overall stability of the molecule


a. Side view of the close neighborhood of the fusion peptide (HA2 residues 1-20, shown in pink) in one subunit of HA.

b. Cross-sectional top view of the same region. The HA2 residues (Asp112, Met115, Tyr22 and Ala44) distinguished in the fast modes that wrap across the fusion peptide colored red.

  • We compared these peaks with the conserved residues identified by the multiple alignment of 78 sequences. 
  • Top and bottom panels of the graph shows the distribution fluctuation of HA1 and HA2, respectively.
  •  Notably, out of the 14 residues of HA1 distinguished as the strongest peaks in the fast mode shapes, 10 coincide with the fully or highly conserved residues. 
  • In the case of HA2 monomers, all of the peaks lie within the set of conserved residues identified by multiple alignments. 

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